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Ransom Page 2

  “I need the doctor back in here, please,” Stella tells me as she applies pressure to the wound. “She had it wrapped up when she first came in and I didn’t know it was this deep.”

  The wound is leaking now, it’s bleeding so profusely. “I’ll get him.”

  Running out, I yell for the doctor, then step back as Renegade comes bulldozing in. Respectfully, he steps to the side while the douchebag doctor and Stella attend to the girl. I watch as Kelsea takes over, allowing Stella to hug her dad.

  He pulls her out into the waiting area, where I’m standing.

  “I was scared to death, Belle.” He holds her tightly.

  She pulls back, giving him a smile. “I was good, Dad, remembered all the stuff you taught me, and Ransom had the situation under control.”

  I blush at her praise. “You were calm, you made it easy. I’ll see you back at the station.” I give Renegade a nod. “I need to go fill out my reports.”

  “Good work, Ransom.”

  Hearing a superior tell me that means everything to me. As I get out to my SUV, I’m fixing to key my radio, calling an end to the situation and letting dispatch know I’m on my way back, when I hear Stella’s voice.

  “Ransom, wait!”

  Turning around, I see Stella coming out the front door. She’s wearing her scrubs, her hair messy as tendrils come loose from her ponytail. She approaches me, pushing her hair behind her ears.

  “Yeah?” I put my hands in my vest, careful not to reach out and touch her like I’ve wanted to so many times since I became old enough to know what it is for a guy to have a crush on a girl. But that’s my secret, and my cross to bear.

  She bites her lip, her blue eyes trained on her shoes as she shuffles back and forth in front of me. Eventually they move up to my face. “I just wanted to say thank you.”

  “Stelle, you know if I can ever help you, I’ll be right there.”

  She grins, her cheek showing a dimple. “I know, but still, thanks for rescuing me.”

  “Just doin’ my duty, ma’am.” I give her a shit-eating grin, laughing when she reaches out to push her hand against my shoulder.

  “Oh shut the fuck up.” She laughs along with me.

  Inside the SUV Rambo barks loudly, scratching at the door. “I gotta get going, he knows it’s almost time to get off work and go to the dog park.”

  “I won’t keep you then, but text me, at least let me take you to dinner for a thank you.”

  She doesn’t have to do it, but I’m willing to take whatever she’ll give me. “I’ll get with you in the next couple of days,” I say as I stow some of my gear in the SUV.

  “Be sure you do.” She waits for me to turn around, before she stands on her tiptoes, leans in, and kisses me on the cheek. “Thanks again for being my hero today.”

  As she turns to leave, I reach out, grabbing her fingers with mine. “If you’d let me, Stelle, I’d be your hero every day.”

  Our eyes lock, but we don’t say anything else before she slightly nods, dropping my fingers, and goes back into the clinic.

  Smooth Ransom. Real fuckin’ smooth…

  Chapter 2


  As I get into my car, I sigh as I turn on the aerated seats. It’s hot as fuck in Laurel Springs right now, and this has been a shit-tastic day. I got puked on, felt up by a man old enough to be my father, and then the doctor I work for asked me out. Not for the first time, I might add, but he’s so not my type. He’s not rugged, he’s not manly, and I’ll never forget the way he ran out of the clinic when I was in the room with a guy packing a gun.

  I don’t want to be with the man who runs away from danger. No, I want to be with the one running to it. Like Ransom Thompson. A little smile plays across my face as I think about him saving me that day. He and I, we’ve known each other since we were babies, and he’s always flirted with me, from the time we were old enough to know what flirting was up until now. The issue is, I never took it seriously. Until about eight months ago, when I started noticing that Ransom had grown up. Maybe it was the fact we’d both gotten to the “other side” of twenty-five, but one day he walked into The Café and I took notice. His jaw, which has always been strong, looked like it could cut metal. Overnight it appeared he’d bulked up and gained thirty pounds, and when had he gotten all those tattoos? Then I saw him at my grandparents, getting out of the pool, and it just solidified the obsession that seemed to pop up out of nowhere. When I asked Kels, she laughed and gave me a wink, nudging me with an “I wondered when you’d start to pay attention”.

  And start to pay attention I did. Which is why I used the fact he was the cop who’d rescued me to my advantage and asked him out to dinner. Only he hadn’t responded yet. Leaning my head back against my seat, I let the cold air from underneath me and my vents cool me off. When you sweat walking to your car from a building – it’s stupid hot. I’m attempting to grip my steering wheel when my phone vibrates in my cup holder. Giving up on the steering wheel, I grab the phone, grinning widely when I see Ransom’s name and face.

  R: So, ‘bout that dinner? I’m finally free tonight if you don’t mind to come here. Rambo got his shots and I like to watch and make sure he doesn’t have a reaction.

  Fuck me running, how hot can this guy be? I literally just melted because he’s concerned for his dog. Immediately I’m typing back.

  S: No problem! Let me go home, change, and then run to the grocery to get food to cook. Any preference?

  R: Just your company.

  And that’s when I can’t help the loud squeal I let loose with while beating my feet against the floorboard. Do I look like an idiot? Yes. Do I care? Not at all.

  S: Be there in about an hour and a half, depending on traffic.

  R: We’ll be waiting.

  This shitty day? Just turned right the fuck around.

  “I thought you told Dr. Patterson no when he asked you out.” Kels comes into my room, putting her hair up in a ponytail. She’s giving me a look and eyeing me up and down as I come out of the bathroom, wearing a towel around my hair and have a robe covering my body. She coaches a group of seven-year-old girls in softball and had gotten the early shift today. While I’d been fighting off the advances of a fifty year old man, she’d been here, in our apartment, getting ready to coach.

  “I did tell him no.” I go to my closet, opening the door, trying to pick out the best outfit.

  Her eyes narrow as she almost glares at me, then she sniffs the air. “Then who are you going out with? Because you don’t use that expensive as fuck body wash unless you’re thinking someone is going to get up close and personal – possibly even naked.”

  Groaning, I throw my head back, losing my towel. “Maybe I wanted to smell pretty for myself.”

  Kels tilts her head, the yeah right is left unsaid. “At seventy bucks a bottle? Need I remind you the title has the word carnal in it? You’re definitely angling to take your clothes off tonight. C’mon, Belle, spill the beans. Who are you going out with, if it’s not the doctor?”

  Giving into the fact she’s not going to let this go is frustrating, but I do it anyway. “Ransom’s free, and he said tonight is a good night for the dinner I promised him when he helped us out.”

  A smile plays on her lips. “Dinner where?”

  Turning back to my closet I do my best to ignore her as I flip through my clothes. Should I do a dress? That screams desperate. What about jeans? It’s so fucking hot. “At his house, Rambo just had shots. He wants to be there in case he has a reaction or something. I offered to cook.”

  “His house? You offered to cook?” She stands beside me, crossing her arms. “Mmm hmmmm,” she mumbles. “You two alone in that house of his with his California King-size bed. Totally innocent, am I right?”

  “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” I ask her, flipping through more clothes, trying to decide what will make me look sexy but also not like I’m trying too hard.

  “I do,” she giggles. “But this is too much fun. Seei
ng you squirm.” She claps her hands. “Did you ask Renegade?”

  “Why would I ask my dad if I could see Ransom? I’m a grown woman.”

  “Mmm hmmmm,” she mumbles again.

  I take the shirt I’m moving out of the way as a hard no, off the hanger, and throw it at her. “If you’re not gonna be helpful, leave.”

  She catches the shirt laughing. “For real, I wouldn’t tell my dad either or Caleb. I mean, think of how fun it could be sneaking around. Fucking in the back of his patrol SUV, maybe a quickie before work, after work if it’s a late night, meeting him for lunch mid-shift - the fucking possibilities are endless. Literally.”

  Great, now she’s got me thinking about it too. I inhale deeply. “I have an hour to get dressed, go to the store, and get over there. If you’re not gonna help me, go coach some ankle-biters.”

  Kelsea Harrison may be the meanest best friend in the world as she turns to leave. “Two things.” She grabs an empty backpack of mine she likes to use. “One, I won’t wait up for you. Two, wear the cut-off jean shorts with the turquoise tank top. You have a killer tan, you’ve been working on your legs in the gym, and the tank top is loose enough it shows just a little bit of cleavage and the top of your bra. Wear the black lace one. You’ll thank me for it later.” She gives a grin.

  “Three things.” I stop her as she turns to walk out. “One, that’s my backpack, don’t forget to return it. Two, I’m glad you paid attention to what Ransom likes all these years. Three, we’ll see about the waiting up part.”

  “Yeah,” she laughs. “We’ll see.”

  “Hey!” I yell out as she disappears into the hallway.

  “Whhhaattt?” She drags the word out as she backtracks, sticking her head around the door, peering at me with a look on her face.

  “Is Nick gonna be at the practice?” I reference my adopted brother with a grin of my own.

  Tucking some escaped strands from her ponytail behind her ear, she looks down. “He may be helping.”

  “Mmm hmmmm.” I give her back a little of what she gave me. “Don’t drool too much.”

  “One day he’ll notice,” she says the words with more conviction than I think she really has.

  I listen to her leave, and only when the door shuts, I speak to the empty room. “I’m pretty sure he already has.”

  But that’s enough time wasted on the two of them. I have dinner with Ransom to prepare for, and damned if I’m gonna let this opportunity slip through my fingers. Grabbing the outfit Kels suggested, I go get ready.

  Chapter 3


  Parking at the grocery store, I realize I have less time than I thought, but I know I can make this work. Grabbing my phone out of my purse, I walk in quickly, grabbing a cart.

  “Hey Belle, what’s up?”

  My aunt Blaze is the person I go to for advice when I don’t want the motherly type. When I want someone who sees me as a woman, realizes I have relationships, and I’m an adult, she’s the very first person I call. Luckily for me, my mom respects that about us and never seems to have an issue. For that, I’m completely grateful.

  “Hey, if I want to cook dinner for a guy, what should I get?”

  “Do I know this guy?”

  I can’t help but smile. “You might, you might not, I’m pleading the fifth right now. I’m not sure what’s going to happen with it. It could just be dinner tonight, or it could turn into something else, I don’t know.”

  “If you’re worried about cooking him something good, I’m betting it’s more than dinner tonight. You forget I know you.”

  She does know me, but right now I don’t want to be analyzed, I just want her advice.

  “He works out, cares for his body, and is in a physically demanding job,” I prompt her.

  “Girl, is he cut?”

  I giggle, leave it to Blaze to break it down. “Yes.” I think of the last time I saw Ransom without a shirt on. It was a cookout at my grandparent’s house, all of us were swimming and I’d had a hard time not looking at him – because I’d finally started to notice he was changing. “Yes, he is very cut.”

  “Okay, so he probably cares for himself. It’s a nice night, even if it’s hot. If he has a grill, why don’t you get some steaks, shrimp, baked potatoes, and some asparagus? You can grill all of it.”

  I know for a fact Ransom does have a grill, he’s invited us all over for get-togethers before. “Oh yes, sounds perfect! Thank you!”

  “No problem, Belle. Have a good time, be safe, and let me know how it goes tomorrow.”

  My face burns. Even if she is the cool aunt, it still feels a bit awkward being so open with her. “Will do,” I tell her, even though I know I won’t tell her everything.

  “Love you.” She throws kissing noises into the phone.

  “Love you too, tell Uncle Tank I said hi.”

  Disconnecting the call, I throw the phone in my purse and hit the produce section with a vengeance. Grabbing a bunch of asparagus and two potatoes, I turn my cart to the fresh meat section. Within minutes, I have two filets and some fresh shrimp packaged up.

  “Dessert.” I tap my finger against my chin.

  Going over to the pastry section, I see a strawberry shortcake that literally makes my mouth water, and I happen to know that’s Ransom’s favorite. I do a quick stop in the spices section to get stuff to make a marinade and then pick up a six pack of Coronas along with some limes.

  As I check out and make my way out to my car, I’m breathing hard and kind of tired as I load everything into the back. “Damn, I need to add more cardio at the gym.” I push my cart over to the rack, but then I see all this only took me fifteen minutes and I give myself a pat on the back.

  I’m about to leave when I notice a PetSmart beside the grocery store, and make a split-second decision. Jogging in, I go to the dog toys. I know Rambo has specific toys he can play with at work and home. That was another thing I’d learned at the cookout when I noticed Ransom’s cut abdomen. Searching in my memory bank, I find a toy just like the one Ransom had that day for Rambo, that he’d destroyed when they’d played tug-of-war with it. Picking it up, I rush to the checkout, and within minutes, I’m on my way to Ransom’s house.

  To say I’m nervous is an understatement. I’ve cooked dinner for men before, but this feels so much more serious than it ever has. I pull into his driveway, and before I even have my car turned off, Ransom is coming out the front door toward me. A man should not be able to make a pair of shorts and a tank top look as hot as he does. The shorts fit just right as does the tank top, and there’s something weirdly intimate about seeing him with flip flops on.

  “You need help?” he asks as I get out and face him.

  “Yeah, if you don’t mind.”

  Together, we bring the bags inside. This isn’t the first time I’ve been in Ransom’s house, obviously, but it feels different than it ever has before.

  “Strawberry fuckin’ shortcake?” He groans as he pulls the container out of the shopping bag.

  “Yes,” I answer, a grin on my face as I hear his groan.

  “Do you have a bowl I can use to make the marinade for the shrimp and steak?”

  “My kitchen is yours.” He points to one of the cabinets. “Middle shelf you’ll find all the bowls, and there’s Ziplocs in there, too.”

  “Great.” I’m surprised to find his cabinets clean and organized. “Pretty impressed by your organization skills, Ransom,” I tease as I find a bowl big enough for what I need.

  “Don’t be, that’s totally my mom. She organized when she helped me move in, I’ve never touched it,” he admits. “Most nights I eat at The Café.”

  “Makes sense, that’s basically a homecooked meal for you.”

  “Yeah.” He walks over to where he has a sliding glass door to this back porch. “I get to see my mom too, so it’s a plus. I like to make sure she’s doing good.”

  “You’re a good son.” I watch as he opens the door.

  “My brother
isn’t grown up enough to take care of shit for her and Dad, I like to make sure they aren’t working too hard. One day Cutter will fulfill his destiny,” he mentions his younger brother. “Rambo, come on in, buddy!”

  I’m putting the marinade in some Ziplocs along with the meat, sticking them in the fridge. “That will need about an hour.”

  Rambo comes in barking, running through the kitchen and sliding on the tiled floor. When he sees me, he comes around, winding around my ankles.

  “He remembers you.” He stands back, leaning against his counter, folding his arms over his chest.

  “Do you?” I kneel, scratching behind his ears. He picks that moment to lick my face, causing me to laugh.

  “He does, he doesn’t do that to everybody. He likes you.”

  “Then he’s gonna love this.” I stand up, walking over to the bag I got from the pet store, pulling it out, squeaking it loudly.

  “Bub, look what she got you.” Ransom pats his thighs, causing Rambo to prance excitedly on his feet.

  “Wanna go outside and play with him while we wait for the meat to marinate? You can go ahead and get the potatoes ready and they can cook slow while the grill heats up,” he offers.

  “Yeah, I’d love to.”

  I know without a doubt winning over Rambo will be a big part of whatever relationship we decide to have.

  “Let’s go, bub.” He makes a noise to Rambo, picks up the platter with the potatoes on it, and holds the door open for me. “Ladies first.”

  “Thanks.” I give him a smile.

  As I pass in front of him, I don’t miss the way his eyes travel my body, feeling his gaze on my ass, which I know looks good in these cut-offs.

  “No problem, Stelle, pleasure is all mine.”

  Chapter 4


  “He pulls hard.” Stella digs her bare heels into the yard, trying to stop her body from moving as Rambo growls playfully tugging on the toy in her hand. She finally gets it away from him, throwing it farther than I expect her to. She’s breathing heavily as she comes back up on the deck, grabbing the beer I brought out for her.